Former director Rae Barkley (Ani Tsering Lhamo)
The Trijang Buddhist Institute is located in the beautiful green mountains of Vermont and officially inaugurated in the year of September 2004.
This property is used to known as Institute for Visionary Leadership during the former resident director Rea Barkley and the love and support of many friends of the Institute, its 365 acres and buildings were restored and beautified, including the 1790’s Farm House that now serves as home to our resident teachers and the barn from the 1880’s that now serves as the Temple, Bookstore, Office and Dining Hall complete with a commercial kitchen.
It was Ms. Rea Barkley’s wish that the Institute be offered to His Holiness Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche and turn into Buddhist center. Under the guidance of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche the former resident Director Rae Barkley ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist Nun by Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche prior to her passing in March, 2004 and known as Ani Tsering Lhamo.